Thursday, May 10, 2012

Addicted to Operaman

Before becoming "Happy Gilmore", undergoing "Anger Management", sang for Drew Barrymore in "The Wedding Singer" and going hi-tech with "Click", Adam Sandler played various characters on Saturday Night Live in the early 90s. His most notable character is "Operaman", a stereotypical opera singer. He sings about various news topics in pop culture at the time, mostly in wacky Italian accent ala Pavarotti. He made frequent appearances on "Weekend Update" during the tenure of Kevin Nealon.

Here is Operaman returning after a half-decade's absence performing for charity a year after the 9/11 attacks. 

Perhaps my most memorable Sandler character before venturing to film. Now what's your favorite Sandler character from SNL or his famous movies?

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